Tone Aanderaa
Artist, author, curator
Member of BONO and Hardingpuls
MFA and BFA, Pratt Institute, New York 1983-89 Painting and Drawing, incl. focus Art History and Art Analysis, Creative Writing.
Private Studies w/Stephen Rettegi (oil painting), New York 1977-78
Art Education, Bergen College 2001-03
The Liminal
has been a theme for me for a long time;
This indefinable space between here and there;
This 'Meantime' is magical,
a place where one can wander in and out of open doors,
dream and reality are no longer separate;,
Time is suspended,
the clock ceases to tick.
Tone Aanderaa (born and raised in Norway) received her BFA and Master of Fine Arts degree at Pratt Institute, New York.
With ‘teenage-heros’ like Magritte and da Vinci, painting has been her life-long passion. Myths and fairy tales, symbolism, and the natural world have fueled and inspired paintings and stories, and poetry.
Since 2011 she has also been curator and organizer, together with her husband, Ignace Clarysse, of 'The Enchanted Garden', an annual International Art exhibition in a large and naturally beautiful garden 'just on the linguistic border' between Flandern and Wallonia in Belgium.
"A romantic like Tone Aanderaa would be in communion with the spirit of her surroundings in any corner of the world" (Rudolf Baranik, 1989) (collections of the Museum of Modern Art, Whitney Museum, Hirschhorn Museum, etc)
"She has a humorous sting to her brushstroke and fun on her agenda, Tone Aanderaa… Funny, colourful and illogical 'dreams' makes for images of both realistic and surrealistic character…" (Reidar Storaas)
"Sanctuary and dream;
An air of dream and fairy tale, quiet and afterthought characterizes Tone Aanderaa's images. Birds, animals and flowers live in secret gardens.
- There is an indefinable space between dream and reality, a world in itself. My images are like tableaus, that could also be fragments of a story, she says." We encounter imaginary landscapes, with castles, a lonely boat, a mysterious well, and a door or a trail into the unknown." (Sissel Hamre Dagsland, Bergens Tidende)
Exhibitions, Publications, Commissioned Work, and other related activities
2019 - 'Paintings Inspired by The Enchanted Garden' - The Painting Room @ Station 14, Art Sanctuary, Belgium
2017 - 'Winter in Belgium' - The Painting Room @ Station 14, Art Sanctuary, Belgium
2016 - 'Plûme dans le Jardin Enchanté' - Book + paintings/illustrations - The Painting Room @ Station 14, Art Sanctuary, Belgium
- 'Ceci n'est pas...'; Galleri Puls, Norheimsund, Hardanger, Norway
2014 - 'Girls, girls, girls' - Painting Room @ Station 14, Art Sanctuary, Belgium
- 'Fairytales' - Galerie Marie' Schepperskerk, Netherlands
2013 - 'Rememberance' - The Painting Room @ Station 14, Art Sanctuary, Belgium
Forest Temple' - Installation; including tapestries.
2012 – ‘Dance’ - ‘The Painting Room’ @ Station 14, Art Sanctuary, Belgium
2011 – ‘Midnight in The Enchanted Forest’ - 12 Compositions inspired by Nicky Bendix’ music - ‘The painting Room’ @ Station 14, Art Sanctuary, Belgium
2010 - 'Tone Aanderaa Dreaming in Wallonia' - Galerie d'Art Passion, Stockay Saint-Georges, Belgium
2001 - 'Tone Aanderaa - Sanctuary', Galleri Parken, Bergen, Norway
1997 - 'Tone Aanderaa', Galleri Puls, Hardanger, Norway
1995 - 'Tone Aanderaa', Galleri Parken, Bergen, Norway
1994 - 'Tone Aanderaa Bilder', Agatunet, Hardanger, Norway
1993 - 'Tone Aanderaa - Bakom Nynner Måne' ('Behind The Moon is Humming') - Galerie Unique, Eidsvoll, Norway
1992 - 'Tone Aanderaa - Liminal II' - Galleri LNM, Oslo, Norway
1989 - 'Tone Aanderaa - Liminal' - Hardanger folkemuseum, Norway
1989 - 'Tone Aanderaa - Liminal' - Higgins Hall, Brooklyn, New York, USA
2024 - Harding Puls Jubileumsutstilling, Kabuso, Øystese, Norge
2023 - 'Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden' - Paintings and prints.
2022 - Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden'; Book presentation: 'Plûme au Jardin enchanté' + textile Installations,
2021 - Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden'; 'Transparency and Light' - Textile Installation
2019 - Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden'; Installations and paintings
2018 - ODDArt, Odda, Norway
2017 - Galerie Kies Kus, Deventer, Nederland
2017 - Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden'; Installations and paintings
2016 - Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden'; Installations and paintings
2014 - Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden'; Installations and paintings
2013 - 'GLØD' - Harding Puls' 20th Anniversary Celebration, Hardanger, Norway
2013 - ART SANCTUARY's 'Enchanted Garden': 'Forest Temple' (Installation)
21 international artists -
2012 - ART SANCTUARY's 'Enchanted Garden': 33 international artists
2011 - ART SANCTUARY's 'Enchanted Garden': 20 international artists (http://art-sanctuary.blogspot.com/)
- 'Contrasten' - Galerie Lijn 3, The Netherlands
- 'Expositie' - Gemeenthuis, Duiven, The Netherlands
- 'Kunst in de Kerk', Tongeren, Belgium
- 'For Ever UnForgettable', Gavere, Belgium
2010 - INDIGO GALERIE, Molenstraat 18, 6121 XG Born, The Netherlands
2009 - 'Belgium Encounters Norway...' Hardanger folkemuseum & Hardanger Kulturgalleri, Norway (Curator: Tone Aanderaa)
2005 - 'Hardingpuls' - at Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle & St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, USA 2005
2002 - GLOBAL VISION (Web gallery)
2002 - 'Hardingpuls', Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen, Harding Puls, Norway
2000 - 'KONTRASTER'; travelling exhibit with LNM (The National Association for Painters, Norway)
1997 - Vestlandsutstillingen - (West Norway Annual Art Exhibition, Norway)
1994 - Høstutstillingen - (The National Annual Art Exhibition, Oslo)
1995 - The Ibsen House, Skien & Lillehammer Kunstforening, Norway1994 -1994 - 'Women Light Up The Night' - Berlin, Germany
1993 - Alumni International, - Schaffler Gallery og Pratt Manhattan Gallery, N.Y.
1992 - 'The Triannual Drawing Exhibition of Scandinavia'
1990 - 'MELLOM ROMMENE' - Bergen, Norway
1989 - 'Ninth Annual Symposium', Higgins Hall, Brooklyn, New York 1989
1988 - 'Walking Art Show', Higgins Hall, Brooklyn, New York 1988
1987 - 'Emerging Artists', Gregg Galleries, New York 1987
Commissioned work
2016: Poster for Hardingtonar, Norway
2014: All artwork for cd's 'Healing Garden' and 'Threads of the Nornir' by Nicky Bendix.
2012: All artwork for cd 'Vision' by Nicky Bendix.
2006: Poster for Hardingtonar, Norway
1999 - 2022 - Secret Garden (Music group), paintings were seen throughout their website, as well as on the groups's DVD (-99). In collaboration with the animators Lettere Animert her painting Moon Gate was made into an animation (introduction on DVD). Secret Garden's website also featured several Flash animated elements from Tone Aanderaa.'s art work, done in collaboration with the Streaming Media company Tappedinto.
- Other commissions include CD covers, posters, design of cultural prizes, etc.
Public Commissions and Purchases
2004 - Eide Omsorgshjem, Odda, 2004 (Paintings)
1997 - The County Hospital/Fylkessykehuset, Voss, Norway (waiting room; murals)
1995 - Troll platform, (Paintings)
1989-2001 - 'Art Without Walls', New York Arts Council- Gateway National Park, New York (Murals)
2001 - Bergens Tidende Kunstforening, Norway (Drawings)
1987 - Brooklyn hospital, Children's Ward (murals), Brooklyn, New York
Published Art and Writings:
2022: 'Plûme au Jardin enchanté' - (traduit de l'anglais par Pascale De Nève) - story and artwork; Art Sanctuary Publication
2020: 'Plûme in the Enchanted Garden' - (book/extended English version) - story and artwork; Art Sanctuary Publication
2017: 'Revue Décharge n°174' - Poems translated to French by Piet Lincken
2016: 'Plûme dans le Jardin Enchanté' (book/livre/French version); story and artwork; Art Sanctuary Publications
2016: 'Chrysalis' (bok) i samarbeid med Nina Irene Olsen, (Tekst og bilder); Art Sanctuary Publications
2016: Illustration for 'Pour faire le portrait d'un oiseau' (poem) by Jaques Prévert, course book on French literature, by Maaike Koffeman, for the Dutch publishing house Noordhoff Uitgevers.
2015: 'Plûme i den fortryllede hagen' (bok) story and artwork - Art Sanctuary Publications
2014: 'LIMINAL DREAM - A Painted Vision' - artwork; Art Sanctuary Publications,
2013: 'Art Sanctuary -'Seasons' - Photos and text; Art Sanctuary Publications
2013: 'A Painted Vision' - Art Sanctuary Publications
2012: ‘Art Sanctuary Special Edition CD w/Nicky Bendix – CD artwork
2011 - present: All artwork related to presenting and advertising ‘Art Sanctuary’ and Art Sanctuary’s ‘Enchanted Garden’ Exhibition (posters, brochures, catalogues, banners, signs)
2011 - Literacyhead: 'Reading and Writing Lessons With Art: An Introduction to Literacyhead's Best Lessons' (video) http://youtu.be/WbjtzsrlNAU
2011 - Transversale scandinave, Passage d'encres Edition, France, about the Scandinavian art and literature. Poems translated to French by Piet Lincken http://www.inks-passagedencres.fr/spip.php?rubrique22
2012, 2011, 2010; 'Calendars w/paintings' – Art Sanctuary Publications
2009 – 2010: 'PUST- Fugler puster annerledes'; Poems and photos/Dikt og foto - Art Sanctuary Publication,
2009-2010: 'Poe-Etiske voggesanger; og andre Epistler fra et Mørkt Fastland' Poems and drawings/dikt og tegninger; Art Sanctuary Publication
2004: 'DET STORE PUSLESPILLET' - novel (Fantasy), Eide Forlag, Bergen, Norwa y
1999 - Secret Garden Website (incl. Special Edition Notebooks, T-shirts, and more)
1993: 'Håpets Harpe' - novel - translation (author: B.J.Hoff)
1989: 'Contemporaries', illustrations (author: Susan Heuman), New York, USA
Tone Aanderaa has since 2011 been Organizer and Curator of 'The Enchanted Garden' - an Annual International Art Exhibition at ART SANCTUARY (w/husband Ignace Clarysse) at Ste-Marie-Geest, Jodoigne, Belgium.
2009 - Curator; 'Tone Aanderaa Encounters'; Belgian and Nowegian artists @ Hardanger folkemuseum og Hardanger Kulturgalleri, Norway
1994 - Curator; 'HUMAN-sign-HUMAN'; Galleri Sandven, Hardanger, Norway
1992 - Curator; 'EARTH-sign-EARTH'; Galleri Sandven, Hardanger, Norway
Awards - Prizes - Stipends
2018 - Le Mérite culturel à Art Sanctuary/Le Jardin enchanté: la Ville de Jodoigne, commune d'Orp-Jauche et le Centre culturel de Jodoigne et Orp-Jauche asbl.
1989 - Debutstøtte; Norsk Kulturråd
- Materialstøtte; BKFH
1989 - Wigeland Award for painting ('By the Window') Norsk Kulturråd, Norway
1988/89 - Assistentship Art History (Pratt Institute)
1987/88 - Assistentship Art History (Pratt Institute)
1987 - E.Burcher Award for Painting (Pratt Institute)
Other related experiences and activities
1996 - 2004 - Teacher/Lektor - (Art and Art History) at Art and Design dept. Norheimsund vgs. Norway
1994 - 97 - Teacher/Lektor at Jondal Art School, Jondal, Norway
1990 - 97 - Summer Art School and courses, Norway
1989 - Talks, causeries, and essays
1986 - 89 - Worked for artists Herman Cherry and L.Alcopley, New York, USA